Cosmic Ray Tracking and Calibration of Jefferson Lab CLAS12 Region II Drift Chamber

Advisor: Dr. Gail Dodge and Dr. Robert Bennett
Old Dominion University, 2010-2012


With the upgrade to a higher electron beam energy at Jefferson Lab, the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer must also be upgraded to detect particles of greater energy. Construction, testing, and calibration for the CLAS12 Region II Drift Chambers were conducted. Multiple tracking algorithms were then implemented to track incident cosmic raysfrom space through the CLAS12 Region II Drift Chamber for quality assurance and calibration purposes using scintillating paddles and photomultiplier tubes.


Physics Senior Thesis: Cosmic Ray Tracking and Calibration of Jefferson Lab CLAS12 Region II Drift Chamber, Old Dominion University Department of Physics, 2012


Talk: Cosmic Ray Tracking and Calibration of Jefferson Lab CLAS12 Region II Drift Chamber, presented to Old Dominion University Department of Physics, April 24, 2012


CLAS12 Detector & Cosmic Ray Track Through a CLAS12 Region II Drift Chamber

Data Science, Physics